Unit II Classroom Applications of Fieldwork Basics
Lessons 3 and 4


Individual Roles in the Field

Interviewer _______________________________________  Date _________________________

Interviee _______________________________________




____ Bring along extra batteries?

____ Test the camera in advance to ensure that it is working properly?

____ Thoroughly look at the environment to evaluate what should be photographed?

____ Photograph the setting of the interview?

____ Ask people for permission to take their photograph?

____ Make sure that anyone being photographed has signed a Written Release Form?

____ Take close-up photographs of the people, if you have permission to do so?

____ Take close-up photographs of relevant objects and/or documents?

____ Shoot from a variety of angles?

____ Keep the sun to your back when outdoors?

____ Take many photographs, knowing that some will not turn out well?

____ Label photo files, CDs, and memory cards; and identify which log sheets they correspond to?

____ Log your photos by number on a Photo Log if using film?

____ Print the photos, number them, and record them on a Contact Sheet if using a digital camera?

____ Print extra copies of photos to give to the Interviewee as a way of saying thanks?



____ Digital camera

____ Photo Logs and/or Contact Sheets for digital photos

____ Extra batteries

____ Written Release Form


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