Hurricane Resources and Opportunities for K-12 Educators In the Wake of the Hurricane, 5-12th grade The In the Wake of the Hurricane unit is an effort by Louisiana Voices to provide 5-12th grade teachers with materials that can assist them and their students in coping with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. The unit involves teaching students to interview each other, community members, and family members about the experiences of the hurricanes and their aftermath. The activities are designed to allow teachers great flexibility and easy to use. In the Wake of the Hurricanes Unit Activity (the entire packet)
Art Lesson Plans Working with Denise Tullier-Holly who is an Art educator at the Southeastern Louisiana University Laboratory School in Hammond, we are able to provide three art lesson plans and sample work. These are outstanding lessons that can also assist you in working with your students on this important topic. Katrina Triptych, 3rd Grade
Resources about Recovery Managing Traumatic Stress: Tips for Recovering From Natural Disasters The Aftermath of Katrina: Helping the Children A Coloring Book After the Hurricane: For Children and Their Parents or Helpers Reactions of Children and Adolescents to Trauma |