Unit IX Part 2 The Cycle of Life
Lesson 2 Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage Rubric

Date __________________

Group Members

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Task: You are a folk culture research team directed to design a new tradition or ritual that serves as a bridge from childhood to adolescence in your community. You are expected to share it with students in the school and perhaps their parents.

You will be assessed on your ability to identify values and ideas that are relevant to the whole class, design a ritual that symbolizes them, and present your findings as a performance of the ritual, video, radio program, book, or electronic slide show.

Performance Element
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
  • Chooses an original tradition that is meaningful to the group.
  • Tradition is not original but is meaningful to the group.
  • Tradition is not original or meaningful; still uncertain about purpose of assignment.
Problem Solving
  • Considers values, commitments, rituals, music, dance, food, study, and relationships with others from many folk groups, perspectives.
  • Considers few values and perspectives but ritual symbolizes those considered.
  • Ritual does not symbolize the values and perspectives of the group.
Interpreting and Evaluating Information
  • Develops a ritual or ceremony that meets the needs of all group members; ritual sends a message about the group's needs, potential, and place in the community.
  • Is beginning to interpret, evaluate, or organize information around major elements; withholds immediate judgment.
  • Has no organizational plan or structure; information has not been interpreted or evaluated; jumps to conclusions without comparing and contrasting ideas or assumptions.
Disseminating Information
  • Creates a presentation or product that illustrates insights from multiple perspectives; explains social customs, cultural practices.
  • Creates a presentation or product that offers some personal insights; offers no reference to social and cultural customs.
  • Creates a presentation that is based primarily on the ideas of others.
Collaborative Group Work
  • Every member of the group contributes; all members treat the others with respect and kindness; all members complete their assigned tasks.
  • Most members of the group contribute; most members treat the others with respect and kindness; all members complete their assigned tasks.
  • Most of the tasks completed by only one or two group members; some members and ideas not respected; some tasks not completed.




Audience Feedback: The audience evaluates the group's presentation according to how well the new tradition or ritual represents and symbolizes the needs and values of the community.

Feedback Statements

Louisiana Content Standards
Identifying and describing social, geographic, and historical factors that impact cultural practices. (3, 4)
ELA-7M2 Problem solving by using reasoning skills, life experiences, accumulated knowledge, and relevant available information. (1, 2, 4)
CL-1-D7 Identifying social customs related to religion, family life, folklore, and holidays. (3, 4, 5)
H-1A-E2 Recognizing that people in different times and places view the world differently. (1, 3, 4)

Rubric created with "The Rubricator" software package by Strategic Learning Technologies, used with permission, <http://www.rubrics.com> 888/881-7979.


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